Thursday, 12 September 2013

Pollution in the world

Pollution has its origins from the prehistoric times when men first invented fires, since then it became a major problem in all countries from the world. It began to draw the attention of many people around the world. Big cities like
 New York, Tokyo, London or Johannesburg are faced to this problem every day. Pollution can be caused by men but also by natural actions.

Natural catastrophes which cause pollution are pollen dispersal, volcanic eruptions, forest fires caused by high temperature. The Chernobyl accident,the result of a flawed reactor is one of the most famous radioactive accidents which caused an enormous pollution to many victims in Ukraine and in its neighbor countries. Everyday, all human actions cause pollution without realizing it. Starting by driving a car in the morning, and ending up throwing a cigarette not in the right place can lead to serious environmental destruction. Almost 35% of the carbon monoxide emission is produced by the use of private cars in cities. The other 65% of emissions are from the industries and manufacturing activities. Manufacturing industries and power plants are the ones who emit the most of carbon monoxide and other chemicals into the air. Even the products we use at home, such as household cleaning products are not just emitting chemicals into the air, but also we breathe them, which is not the best for us. If breathing those chemicals can cause health problems for humans, then imagine how much harm they can produce to the environment? 

Marine pollution is another major problem nowadays. We don't really see it so we don't really think about it every day, this being the first problem. Everyday, different kinds of oil, agricultural pesticides or plastic products are thrown in water. With the international commerce, each day we find ships and different vessels on the sea exporting industrial products from one country to another.  Almost seven hundred million gallons of oil enters annually in seas and oceans. Chemical products from the industrial waste kills and shortens the growth of shellfish and other fish reproductions.

Some of the world cities are doing the "car free day" which is a way to stop and reduce air pollution and prevent environmental destruction, yet not all of humans respect that day. Also, there are other government ideas to stop pollution like the "bike to nature", the day when people are suppose to bike instead of using their cars or public transport. Humans have to start thinking about the environment. The marine, land and other industrial societies should not be comfortable with the earths pollution but instead think of a way to stop them.


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