Sunday, 29 September 2013

Bennington Municipal Sanitary Landfill.

The Bennington land site fill can be found off the Houghton land in Bennington United States of America. The site served as a dumping area for most industries around it for almost 6 years between 1969 and 1975. Due to this dumping of dangerous waste from industries, the passage of water through underground level drainage system got contaminated.
This posed a threat to most of the rural inhabitants of Bennington as most of them had dug well in their houses. The site of the land fills included lead and other deadly and poisonous compounds from the toxic waste poured on the land.
However, the approach to clean up the site was focused on two different phases. The first was a process called the NTCRA (Non Time Critical Removal Action) this process involved the close fitting of the surface of the Landfill site, the deviation of both ground and surface water and finally, the removal and cleaning of the toxic wastes. Although the second phase was just to make sure that the removal of waste was no longer needed again I.E. first phase.
The E.P.A responded to the Bennington Landfill site in 1994 with an interim idea of reducing the bringing in of anything that can infect the landfill site and the underground water beneath it. However earlier in 1991, a team accessed the amount at which the landfill was contaminated and how dangerous it could be to the people around it.
In final attempts to rid this area of toxic waste chemical from the landfill site, a multi barrier cover was placed over the whole Bennington site landfill to make it safer. Also in 1998, the E.P.A signed and agreed that not further steps should be made on the site since all necessary steps have been taken to ensure safety. However, an inspection of the Bennington site takes places every 5 years to ensure safety.

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