Monday, 30 September 2013

Naval Weapons IndustrIal Reserve Plant (NWIRP)

The NWIRP is located immediately north of Hanscom Air Force Base and it is part of a huge industrial plant. The Naval Weapons IndustrIal Reserve Plant was established in 1952 when a missile and radar development laboratory was built. The Town of Bedford conducted an investigation that determined that NWIRP was a likely source of the well field contamination. The dangerous wastes generated at NWIRP include VOCs, photographic fixer, waste oil and coolants, lacquer thinner, unspecified solvents and thinners, Stoddard solvent, waste paint, and chromic, sulfuric, nitric, hydrochloric and phosphoric acids, which of most have been found in three water supply wells operated by the Town of Bedford (the wells have been closed since the chemicals have been found. For prevention of further harm their is tons of work put in a long-term cleanup focusing on the entire site.



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