Although the case below hasn't received media and public response, it is still important. Broderick Wood Products site was located in Adams County, Colorado. It functioned from 1947 to 1982, and according to the EPA, BWP used several harmful substances, like creosote or pentachlorophenol. Pentachlorophenol is basically used for pesticide and it can cause cancer in human body. It is also contaminated the surrounding waters, and the underground waters too. In August 1980, BWP submitted a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, so the company could continue its operation. However no dramatic changes happened in their policy. Soon, BWP was investigated by EPA, because of their waste management practice. In 1982 BWP was closed and its assets were was transferred to a found named Broderick Investment Company (BIC). In 1984, the site was added to the National Priorities List.
In mid-90's, EPA and BIC did the cleanup progress which included the followings: „Placement of a one-foot soil cover throughout the property „, „Collect and treat contaminated groundwater” and „Demolition and removal of buildings and structures in the former process area „.
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