Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Greenpeace protest at Shell's Formula One

Greenpeace continued its publicity war against Shell with a great mischief at the Belgian F1 Grand Pix (August 28, 2013) event sponsored by the oil company. The Greenpeace broke into the Shell Belgian Grand Pix site, created banners as, they simply wanted to awake people's interests against Shell's plans to study Arctic drilling. 
During the trophy ceremony, Greenpeace activated a banner, a man in a suit climbed on stage to take it down as the German national anthem played behind him. When the man finished pulling it down the environmentalists released the second one. 

The video drew 240,000 views on YouTube before Formula One asked that it be taken down for copyright reasons. Shell later cancelled its 2013 Arctic drilling plans, but it has since  filed permits to study oil prospects in the region.

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