Friday, 13 December 2013

Fossil fuel energy: the past

The US has subsidies for fossil fuels, subsidies for nuclear power, subsidies for wind and solar, but fossil fuel energys are still the most used and most common.
The energy goals of the US would improve their energy policy and it's long-term effects would 
play an important role the climate change issue.

The use of fossil fuel energys are bad for the environment and the natural resources are finite. Fossil fuels are oil, coal and natural gas.
Seeking the cheapest price for energy with the implication that environmental consequences shouldn't be part of the costs. Completing a transition to renewable energy as quickly as possible, while drastically reducing the burning of fossil fuels. The replacement of all fossil fuel energys with nuclear power and developing all sources of energy to make sure they have enough reasonable prices. 
However, the fossil fuel industry would say that the United States shouldn’t undergo this energy transition alone because it will be put at a competitive disadvantage on world markets. 
Perhaps the simplest way to manage the energy transition would be to make a high and ever rising tax on carbon. Such a tax would not favor one particular solution to carbon-free energy. But, it would move people to conserve and to switch from carbon fuels. It would also provide inventors and businesses with the incentive needed to work out the quickest, most economical path to a renewable energy economy.

The time has come to replace fossil fuel energys with something more environmetally freindly,
because it's already too late. One of the biggest invention of the last decade is hydrogen power.
Unfortunately it's not getting enough space and attention, because the oil rich countires, which are hardly dependant on their number one income, oil, don't let these invetions to develop.



Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Romania loses its forests day by day

Two ha/hour. With this unbelievable rhythm Romanian forests were cut during the last twenty years.

During the last years forests were cut every day in Romania. The Romanian Authority doesn't even know how many forests are not administrated at the moment. On surfaces of around 3-500 000 ha, forests do not exist anymore.
Trees are cut by unconscious people, without taking care about the rules or laws. Nobody took serious regulations or sanctions last years, so locals kept on cutting and destroying their only source of oxygen.
The police says that it is very difficult to find those thieves because the area is enormous and complicated to reach; however a journalist with his filming team who were there to film a documentary about it found some of them. There is a complete indifference from the part of the authorities and local police.
Romania is a well known country for its beautiful plains, mountains and ecological areas. Statistics show that Romania is the last European Country in terms of forests.


Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Renewable energy in the European Union

The European Union has many programs which include the use of more renewable energies, European energy recovery program, energy progress program and others. All this programs are made in order to fight against global warming and pollution. The use of renewable energies, such as wind, solar or hydro-electric power will reduce one state’s dependence on other state and the import of energies such as petroleum. Also, the renewable industry could also reduce the level of unemployment in Europe.

In March, 2013, the European Commission published its first Renewable Energy Progress report. The majority of the State members increased their renewable energy consumption during the last years, which is a good sign for the European Commission. A proposal for limiting land conversion for bio fuel production was published as well, and eventually the use of food based bio fuels was reduced from 10% to 5%.

The EU aims to reach 20% share of energy from renewable sources by 2020 and 10% specifically in the transport sector.

To read more information about the European Commission renewable energy progress report please visit:

Therefore we can say that we are a part of the EU’s projects and we all have to contribute in a way to increase the renewable energy consumption. As Al Gore said it is better to make a durable investment in solar energy sources or other kind of renewable energy sources than in some others which pollute a lot our environment.


Thursday, 31 October 2013

America: Towards a more energy independent future.

Under the present Oboma administration according to the white house official website, the United States of America have been gradually moving to a more self substaining energy production future. The United States under the present Obama administration according to them, domestic oil production has been increasing eevery year, and in 2011 the United States of America crude oil production reached its highest peak level since 2003, increasing oil production by an estimated 120,000 barrels per day over 2010 levels to 5.6 million barrells per day. In adition to this the U.S natural gass production also grew by more than 7 percent in 2011 yeilding the largest ever volumetric increase in history and easily beating the previous record set in 1973. This also  brought about a reduction in the imports of foreign oil to the country from 11 million barrels of oil been imported daily to 8.4 million barrels per day which is a 2.6million barrels difference which speakes allot about the increase in her level of independence.
Many reforms have been put forward by the Obama administration to ensure that oils on public lands and offshore are utilized gracefully, and also that tax payers receive fair market value for both onshore and offshore resources, so therefore have provisions for additional impetus to invest in leases that are likely to be developed. The Obama administration as alsoraised the bar of safety by setting reforms in the offshore oil and gas sectore which covers matters from normal safety issues to clean up programmes which can be said to have been influenced by the BP oil spil. The Obama administration not only made reform to help in managing the production sectors, reforms were also made to benefit every one down to the average everyday consumer. Although i would not like to speculate much due to lack of other external sourxce to back uop my point beyond the white house website.
For more reading on a more recently updated source, visit the white house official website with link below

Increasing American Energy Independence

America's Energy Independence was seemed in the past like a dreamy campaign as the country's needs for energy sources are extremely high. This impression has been changed since President Obama has been in office.  Of course America still has to import sources from other countries , but in fewer quantities. As I don't want to make a monologue supporting Obama's energy policy without evidence let me present you the most important facts that make his policy precious.

Oil production has been increased by Obama's presidency with 5.6 million   barrels to be produced per day in contrast to 120,000 barrels by 2003 until 2009. By this fact oil imports has been reduced with the statistics to refer that U.S has purchased by imports less than half of all oil that consumed. Obama's government didn't stop here; by steady efforts is trying to maintain U.S as the world leading producer of Natural Gas. An agreement has been signed with Mexico's government on the exploration and development of oil and Natural Gas along U.S and Mexico's boundaries and 1.5 million acres are going to be more accessible for exploration and production activities.

 I believe that by these facts the dream of Americas Energy Independence it seems more feasible.

White House Energy Policy

In the most recent White House Energy Report, there was a lot of weight put on the increase of the America's energy independence. Big part of this increase is the fact that U.S. is becoming the world leader in the natural gas production. New techniques and technology is being used to increase this gas production. White House stated in this report that the increase in natural gas production has been 7%, the highest year-to-year increase in history. One of the causes for this is the $45 million in interagency R&D budget. Large amount of this money goes to development of "fracking" techniques, a way of extracting shale gas from the soil. One thing that is not mentioned in the report, is that "fracking" is one of the techniques with the worst effects on environment.

The problems with "fracking" are many. First of all, amazing quantities of water are needed for the process: 1-8 million gallons per one "fracking" job. In addition to this, around 600 chemicals are being mixed with this water, many of which are know toxins and carcinogens. This mixture is then put in the soil to break the shale and release the gas. This process contaminates underground water and soil, and has serious health effects on the people living around the shale gas wells. In overall, there is lot about energy production increase in the report, but very little about the environmental degradation in the process. 

For all who are interested to learn more about "fracking" and its dangers, watch the well know documentary Gasland, in addition to going to the link about "fracking" in this blog.


Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Greening Obama

The Obama Administration intensively engaged by the question of how to reduce energy independence and how to reduce air pollution. According to the reading, numbers are very convincing. Nevertheless the main point is that the Obama Administration is at least concerned with the problem. Let's see what happens on the other political side and those facts that make Obama's energy policy more valuable.

PPP’s latest national poll finds that, 58% of Republican voters agree that global warming is a hoax and a liberal conspiracy theory. If that is not enough, Mitt Romney, during his campaign often pointed out that we can not know what really causes the global warming. He also declared that it is not the right solution to spend thousands of billions of dollars trying reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Another important aspect why the Administration has to reduce energy independence is America's unstable relation with the Arab countries. Depending on those countries could be very dangerous.

In the light of these facts Obama's goal of putting one million electric vehicles on the road by 2015, is welcomed. 



America's Energy Policy.

The US energy policy has made a significant improvement over the years. From the production and consumption of king Coal, to oil, natural gas and other renewable energy in the environment the US energy is still continuing to develop. According to the recent report from the US concerning her energy policy, there have been a significant rise and development most especially in the sector of oil and natural gas. Of course the oil and gas sector plays a major role not only in the US but in other countries in general. According to the white house presentation on the energy policy, the US production of oil and gas has been rising under president Obama's regime. Despite the fact that this is a good report, the US still have to work on reducing its importation of foreign oil. According to the EIA, the US imported about 10.6 million barrels of petroleum per day in 2012 from about 80 countries.  For America to have an independent energy policy, they have to make out their own energy source so as to have a secure future in energy policy. Furthermore, according to the white house presentation on energy policy, it seems America depends solely on natural gas and oil. There are other sources of energy like solar energy wind energy which are quite cheap and create a greener environment. In essence, more should be done to improve other energy sector in America. In order for these energy sector like hydro-electricity solar, and wind energy to become competent, innovations have to be created for them to compete in the market. These hydroelectric energy, wind, solar energy etc. Are all clean energies that if invested into, can prove significant for the US in the future and even globally sufficient for other countries in the world.
The American energy policy is heading on the right track. For example the report from the white house presentaion also shows that the Obama administration is putting strong emphasis on the first ever fuel economy standards for heavy trucks. Nevertheless, certain energy sectors like the examples I gave above should be evaluated and funded. For more on the American energy policy improvements, click on the links below.


Increasing America's Energy Independence

America is a big country which needs a lot of energy sources. Although it has its own sources, like for example coal, America still has to import from other countries.
This article shows how much oil production in America has increased under Obama's administration, also natural gas production. In other words, according to this report, America became more independent in this way since Obama was elected president.
Even if the USA imports petroleum and other gases, its imports have been falling during the last seven years and its production of natural gases has increased.
I find this article to be an example of propaganda for glorifying in a way President Obama. In almost every paragraph it says that he succeeded in all his projects to gain independence, that his projects and reforms for environmental issues were all a success. It might be true, because there is evidence which shows the changes during the last years, but in a way it is a president's obligation to work for the country he rules. In my opinion if there would've been other president now in office, he would've done also something in relation with this. All country leaders don't want their countries to be dependent on others.


Thursday, 17 October 2013

Facing the facts

What is environmental equity? Equal protection from environmental hazards for individuals, groups, or communities regardless of race, ethnicity, or economic status. This applies to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.
A disproportionate share of negative environmental impacts of pollution or environmental hazard due to a lack of political or economic strength levels.

"Environmental racism is a process by which communities of color are intentially and systematically targeted for ecological hazardous industrial facilities, toxic waste sites and all kinds of facilities, that cause harm to the health to it’s local residents as well as the sorrounding environment. This process is also called selective vicitmization."[1]

"Environmental decision making often mirrors the power arrangements of the dominant society and it’s institutions. It disadvantages people of colour while providing advantages or privileges for corporations and individuals in the upper echelons of society."[2]

[1] (Professor Danny Faber from the Northeastern Environmental Justice Research Collaborative in Boston defines environmental racism)


Monday, 14 October 2013

Los Angels of 'environmental racism'

As the Los Angeles City Council approved, the rail company BNSF a 500 million project to expend the railyard expansion at the port of Los angeles. Now environmentalist when to court claiming that this act was environmental racism. Alongside The Natural Resource Defence Council other environmental groups say this project targets LA Minority.On the other hand BNSF argues that their project makes environmental steps as if their project is completed their will be no need for the trucks to travel 24miles on the 710 freeway to get the cargo to the rail lines.

So which side has more truths?
to read the full article please go to: 


Working Women’s Bodies Besieged by Environmental Injustice

Going through the internet some-days ago doing research on environmental injustice/racism, i came along allot of interesting articles but the only article which was able to grab my heart and "make it bleed", was an article over a year old which talked about a research from the the National Birth Defects Prevention Study,  which shows that working pregnant women who are exposed on the job to toxins known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are more likely to have children with gastroschisis, a rare birth defect in which the intestines stick out from the baby's body, which generally requires surgical repair.
According to the reading, PAH’s were described to be ubiquitous byproduct of our everyday combustible materials such as oil and coal. Therefore meaning this product was also found in homes. According to the article, some studies have linked the contamination that are caused when burned and churned into the atmosphere with various health problems which are capable of shaping the entire upbringing of a kid ranging from developmental disabilities to child obesity
There are claims that the researchers also noted that “assessing workplace exposure to PAHs is important because ‘more than 95 percent of employed women in the United States remain employed during pregnancy’ and ‘an increasing number of women are being exposed in their jobs to chemicals that can harm the fetus.’” The researchers especially noted exposures among women working as “cashiers in fast food restaurants.” This might have just concentrated only on the united states, but this is also true for other countries especially 3rd world countries where women are not only required to work under such conditions during the course of their pregnancies, but also after child birth with this children being exposed to all this toxins which not just posse a danger right now, but also on the long run through future generations who are been passed with infected/corrupt genes.
More readings on PAH and effects can be found on the links below:

The Connection Between Water Pollution and Low Birth Weights

Princeton University recently published a study which established a link between water contamination and low birth weights. Many studies have found links between air pollution and premature birth, but this was the first study to look at water pollution. Premature birth can lead to lifelong problems, including cognitive issues.
This study looked at 488 water districts in New Jersey, and found that over a quarter of them had contamination violations that affected over 30,000 people.
The study found that expectant mothers who were consuming this contaminated water were generally younger, unmarried, less educated, and most often African-American or Hispanic. They also found that they were not very likely to move in response to contamination, meaning that they often do not have the financial resources to move to an area with better water.
Although residents are required to be notified if their water is found to be contaminated, many residents who rent their property do not receive these notices due to routing issues.
However, even if these residents were adequately notified, it does not help if they cannot afford to move elsewhere or buy bottled water. These women who are already struggling now have new issues to deal with if their child is born with physical and/or cognitive impairments. The government needs to find a long-term solution to this problem rather than leaving these people in a situation that they didn't ask for and they cannot control.



Environmental injustice in California

In 1999 Angelita C. a mother of a 10th year old girl applied to the U.S Environmental Protection Agency about pesticide pollution that threatened  California  and especially a lot of public schools. The notable thing of this case was that pesticide records and demographics were showing Latinos exposed to disproportionately high levels.

After the EPA launched an investigation of the complaint, there was a decade of silence. But in 2011 EPA in cooperation with DPR(Department of Pesticide Regulation ) announced an agreement to protect civil rights.
DPR expanded air monitoring for pesticides in several locations and disagreed with the argument about pesticide pollution. They continue their efforts but without taking the situation seriously as their actions didn’t fix the ongoing problems. 

 As EPA and DPR was seemed weak  to recognize and solve the problem of pesticides pollution near school and a lot of children were in danger ,parents acted immediately assuming attorneys for this case. After an attorneys search at 21 public schools  within 1.5 miles of the state’s most heavily fumigated areas, eighty-two percent of their students were non-white and this means  that pesticides concentrations near schools violate the Civil Rights Act.

Then were no excuses that EPA would not add this case high in its agenda. The problem was it took the EPA 12 years to take seriously this case and realize that it was about environmental injustice.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Environmental Injustice in North Richmond

There is a little community in California, 25 miles north of San Francisco. This little community’s name is North Richmond. We must know that this is the poorest area in Contra Costa County. Approximately 3700 people try to live their lives there, which is not always easy. In this community, a lot of people make their living from crime. Nevertheless, another problem makes the honorable people's life more difficult. The area is surrounded by oil refineries and chemical companies. These oil refineries are one of the biggest in the United States, owned by the Chevron Corporation. Despite the city is just a few meters away from the sea, people can not breath the sea's fresh and salty smell, instead of it they have to accept the stinking smell of smoke.
The refineries poison the food, even the imported fruits and meat. People often complain because of that problem. As one of the city visitor said “No grocery store to get fresh fruits and vegetables and meat. The only things you can buy are drink and dope. There's nothing but old nasty rotten food on the shelves and plenty of beer, wine and whiskey.” The fishing is also impossible because the sea is still polluted.
Numerous studies showed that the people of North Richmond suffering from more medical problems compared to other areas in Contra Costa County. “Richmond’s estimated cancer risk is higher than nearby cities “ according to University of California environmental report, 2007.
The toxins are everywhere, included the houses. Just imagine that your child should grow up in a place like this.
So why is this an environmental racism case? Because 97% of the population belongs to some minorities. The majority of them are Afro-Americans and Latinos. The Blacks migrated to this area during and little after the Word War II. It was their hope for a better life.


                                       Environmental Injustice in Kenansville.


Residents of Kenansville North Carolina experience some of the worst environmental hazards in the United States of America.  This region host different concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) due to the rise in the production of Hogs in this region in the late 20th century. Furthermore most of the populations around the region are small communities of African Americans and also minority communities who live on low income payment.

The waste product from the animals around Kenansville then pollutes the air, and contaminates the food and body systems of the residents in Kenansville. As a result of the growing industries of CAFO along the region of minority groups and African Americans, concerns have been raised about the issue of environmental injustice in this region.  Some residents living in this region have to wear facial mask to prevent them from breathing the dust particles emitting from the CAFO industries.

According to Bob Edwards, the professor of sociology in East Carolina University, “North Carolina counties with larger minority population were home to greater concentrations of hog waste, a function of hog population density, compared with more urbanized counties with a higher percentage of white residents”.  
The effects of these odors, fumes, and toxics have adverse effects on the residents around Kenansville. Some families cannot stay outside and other cannot dry clothes because most of their properties would get contaminated. Despite the laws passed in 2007 to industries around Kenansville, some industries were parochial in cleaning up their waste.

I think this is another issue of environmental injustice that needs to be tackled in our society today. However it’s not only applied to America alone but other parts of the world in general. For more about the Environmental Injustice in Kenansville, North Carolina, please follow the link below;


Saturday, 12 October 2013

Environmental injustice in Central and Eastern Europe

Injustice and inequality are one of the most problematic topics that a state can have. There are many types of inequalities, racial inequality being one of them. There is, in most of the cases, a correlation between inequality and injustice. Racism and injustice are present even when it comes to environmental policy.
Environmental racism is defined as a racial discrimination in environmental policy making. National minorities are often subjects of environmental injustice.
In the Unites States for example, 71% of African Americans and 50% of Latino Americans live in areas with the most polluted air compared to the 34% of white communities; and the problem is not stopping here. But this topic is not that much taken in consideration in the European continent. Here, the lack of environmental justice and environmental racism is mostly to be found in Central part of Europe and the Eastern part. Similar to the United States, the hazardous sites and facilities are located and concentrated in places where working-class communities live and other communities of color. In Europe these communities are communities of ethnic minorities, in fact the Roma people. For example, in Hungary, in Heves, 1500 people belonging to Romany community, were exposed to high doses of lead as a consequence of illegal disassembly of car batteries. A 15 months old girl died.
Another example can be the Danube Dam project between Hungary and Slovakia. Ethnic Hungarians live on both sides of the river, in Slovakia and Hungary, and are exposed to environmental risks.
In Slovakia, Roma people are the poorest of the poor. They live in poverty and areas with almost 100% of unemployment. Besides this, they live in areas with a high exposure of chemicals and hazardous waste, they do not have access to potable water; and this not just the case of Slovakia, but also of Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Austria, Serbia and some other of Central and Eastern European countries. Environmental injustice and social exclusion of Roma communities has roots in the historical patterns of ethnic exclusion after the collapse of state socialism.


Monday, 30 September 2013

Davie Landfill

The Davie Landfill is located in Davie, Florida with it’s 210 acres and began operation in 1964 with the startup of the county’s garbage incinerator.  Ash from the incinerator, construction debris, and demolition debris, was placed in the landfill. The sanitary landfill also accepted construction debris, tire, and other wastes. The landfill was used for the disposal of grease trap material, septic tank sludge and treated municipal sludge.

In 1975, the incinerator was closed, because it’s emissions failed to meet the new regulations. In the early 1980's, EPA confirmed that cyanide and sulfide were present in the sludge in the basin area. All landfilling activities were shut down in 1987.

In 1988, the Broward County Public Health Unit found vinyl chloride contamination in private wells nearby and in the early 1990's, further sampling by Broward County, confirmed that vinyl chloride and antimony had contaminated the groundwater in the area. EPA required Broward County to remediate the contaminated sludge and groundwater at the landfill.

The closure of the landfill was completed in 1995.
Currently, the most recent groundwater data shows, that antimony and vinyl chloride are not present in the groundwater anymore.
Therefore EPA and FDEP(Florida Department of Environmental Protection) deleted the process from the "Superfund" or National Priorities List.



Naval Weapons IndustrIal Reserve Plant (NWIRP)

The NWIRP is located immediately north of Hanscom Air Force Base and it is part of a huge industrial plant. The Naval Weapons IndustrIal Reserve Plant was established in 1952 when a missile and radar development laboratory was built. The Town of Bedford conducted an investigation that determined that NWIRP was a likely source of the well field contamination. The dangerous wastes generated at NWIRP include VOCs, photographic fixer, waste oil and coolants, lacquer thinner, unspecified solvents and thinners, Stoddard solvent, waste paint, and chromic, sulfuric, nitric, hydrochloric and phosphoric acids, which of most have been found in three water supply wells operated by the Town of Bedford (the wells have been closed since the chemicals have been found. For prevention of further harm their is tons of work put in a long-term cleanup focusing on the entire site.



Cleaning-up in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

PCB waste site is a complexional organization that consists eight separate locations scattered throughout US-administered Trust Territory and several independent islands of the Pacific. Its aim is to clean up contaminated solid and waste that exist in underground storage tanks.

After an investigation in 1982 Poly chlorinated biphenyls was founded in drums and transformers. In addition pesticides and chemicals were stored and an oil speal was obvious at one area that was used for transformers storing.

Intact transformer oil containers were stored in some subsites and were threatening public health and the environment as well. Soil was contaminated with PCBs, pesticides and other chemicals, the risk for people who came into direct contact with the soil increased and the need for a clean-up action was more necessary than ever.

This action happened in 1984 and 31 areas throughout the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands were totally clean. After some removal actions of soil, no PCBs was found and that means that the cleaning was successful .The site was safe for nearby residents and for the environment also.


Sunday, 29 September 2013

Broderick Wood Products, Colorado

Although the case below hasn't received media and public response, it is still important. Broderick Wood Products site was located in Adams County, Colorado. It functioned from 1947 to 1982, and according to the EPA, BWP used several harmful substances, like creosote or pentachlorophenol. Pentachlorophenol is basically used for pesticide and it can cause cancer in human body. It is also contaminated the surrounding waters, and the underground waters too. In August 1980, BWP submitted a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, so the company could continue its operation. However no dramatic changes happened in their policy. Soon, BWP was investigated by EPA, because of their waste management practice. In 1982 BWP was closed and its assets were was transferred to a found named Broderick Investment Company (BIC). In 1984, the site was added to the National Priorities List.

In mid-90's, EPA and BIC did the cleanup progress which included the followings: „Placement of a one-foot soil cover throughout the property „, „Collect and treat contaminated groundwater” and „Demolition and removal of buildings and structures in the former process area „.


U.S. EPA Region 5 - Fox River

I am personally attached to The Fox River Superfund site. Seeing that I spent four years in De Pere, Wisconsin, I witnessed the efforts of the authorities to clean this river, which was highly significant to the local community.

The river portion of the site extends from Lake Winnebago outlet and continues downstream to the mouth of the river in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The site also includes all of Green Bay, from the city of Green Bay to the point where the bay enters Lake Michigan. The entire site is divided into five operable units (OU), for the purpose of analyzing and implementing remedial actions on the basis of similar features and characteristics (e.g. physical and geographical characteristics).

This river is on the NPL because it is contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). PCB is hazardous substance and probable human carcinogen. The river sediment contains around 51,000 pounds of PCB's, and Grenn Bay sediment has additional 154,000 pounds of this substance. The Fox River was previously a traditional spot for fishing and recreation, and since fish in this waters contains PCB, people in this area may suffer adverse health effects. Due to such situation, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) issued fish consumption advisory in 1976 and State of Michigan did the same the following year.

This project has been the largest sediment cleanup ever, and so far it has been successful. The level of PCB's is lower than it was before the clean up started, and if the trend continues, the fish advisories may be relaxed soon. The results are visible on every step: there has been an increase in fishing boats and people finally started to enjoy the river daily. The estimated cost of the project is $400 million, and the expected year of completion is 2017.


Bennington Municipal Sanitary Landfill.

The Bennington land site fill can be found off the Houghton land in Bennington United States of America. The site served as a dumping area for most industries around it for almost 6 years between 1969 and 1975. Due to this dumping of dangerous waste from industries, the passage of water through underground level drainage system got contaminated.
This posed a threat to most of the rural inhabitants of Bennington as most of them had dug well in their houses. The site of the land fills included lead and other deadly and poisonous compounds from the toxic waste poured on the land.
However, the approach to clean up the site was focused on two different phases. The first was a process called the NTCRA (Non Time Critical Removal Action) this process involved the close fitting of the surface of the Landfill site, the deviation of both ground and surface water and finally, the removal and cleaning of the toxic wastes. Although the second phase was just to make sure that the removal of waste was no longer needed again I.E. first phase.
The E.P.A responded to the Bennington Landfill site in 1994 with an interim idea of reducing the bringing in of anything that can infect the landfill site and the underground water beneath it. However earlier in 1991, a team accessed the amount at which the landfill was contaminated and how dangerous it could be to the people around it.
In final attempts to rid this area of toxic waste chemical from the landfill site, a multi barrier cover was placed over the whole Bennington site landfill to make it safer. Also in 1998, the E.P.A signed and agreed that not further steps should be made on the site since all necessary steps have been taken to ensure safety. However, an inspection of the Bennington site takes places every 5 years to ensure safety.

Landfill and Resource Recovery

The Landfill and Resource Recovery is a site plenty of landfill from commercial, municipal and industrial wastes, therefore the air is contaminated and polluted. The groundwater is also contaminated from waste liquids and from rainwater which enters the landfilled wastes. The surface water of the site is also contaminated with lead. Many thousands of people live around the site which are surrounded by uncontrolled gaseous emissions from the landfill.
One of the most important environmental threat was to the wetlands around the site, nevertheless the clean-up action succeed into reducing the soil erosion from the landfill.
A fence was built in order to limit gaseous emissions and to reduce the potential of being exposed to dangerous materials. Also, a construction of a cap which will prevent the access of any gases under the cap was one idea which came true.
Nowadays, the EPA and the State are working on coming up with new restrictions and regulations at the site for its land and groundwater.


Aberdeen Proving Ground in Edgewood, MD

Aberdeen Proving Ground is located in Edgewood, MD, where the Chesapeake Bay meets the Susquehanna River. As a native Marylander, I have heard many controversies over this location. The site is  the location of a military base, and used to house chemical weapons, however, these weapons were reportedly destroyed following September 11th. According to the EPA, this site is designated as one of the most contaminated sites in America on the National Priority List, which is was officially added to in February of 1990. Cleanup began in 1991.
In addition to the storage of chemical weapons, but since 1917 the site has been doing various chemical research and testing, which has led to the area being highly contaminated.The EPA has identified over 100 sites in this area that are needing of cleanup.
Because the military base is located in this area, the US Army is funding this cleanup.
What concerns me is the location of this site. It is located right on the bay, and there have been issues with potential chemical contamination of the water there. This area is also fairly populated, which makes me worry about the ramifications of these sites on the residents.


Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Rachel Carson's Silent Spring: Educating the masses on DDT

 The book silent spring, can be said to be one of the major factors pushing and encouraging the American environmental movement during the 1970, and also credited for the facilitation towards the ban of the pesticide DDT(dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane). The book was written by Rachel Carson a well-known writer on natural history, and the book was published by Houghton Mifflin on 27th September, 1962. 
The book "Silent Spring" was used by Rachel Carson as a means of sharing the effect of this pesticide on the environment, humans(when consumed) and on birds whom are one of the biggest species of pest affected by the chemical component of the pesticide. The book described in details the history and effect of those various chemical pesticides which were at that time, being widely used on American farms and lawns with lots of it mostly focused on the toxic DDT. She was able to describe this dangerous chemical starting from the way it was being mad, to the way it was being used, and finishing with the way in which it affected the environment. This lead to raising the biggest ever reactions by citizens over an issue concerning the environment.
The book was a hit not because of the writers popularity, not because because of the show about Carson which were aired on CBS which also helped in increasing her popularity in some ways, but mainly because of supinely amazing contents which lived in it. The book is still important until tomorrow and deserves to be put among the list of most important things in Human history, because the book did not just come out and stop the use/production of the pesticide DDT, but also it can also be said to be one of the leading factor behind Environmentalism as we know it today.

Now even big car brands start real work on the electronic car market.

Almost two weeks ago the IAA Frankfurt Motor Show was hosted and BMW’s stand had one of the biggest audience as the introduced two of their new concept electronic cars. The small city car is on sale this year and its actually locks fabulous it is the new i3. The big attraction is on sale next year. This is the i8 which brings electric sport cars onto the streets. Not to forget both the i3 and i8  statistics beat most cars in their size category.

To read more about these fantastic cars follow the link:


Mammoth skeleton found in Siberia

In the spotlight of media headlines was again the “prehistoric elephant” Mammoth as a fisherman in Siberia has discovered a complete skeleton of the animal.

Russian experts characterized the discovery as very rare. Alexander Kerzhayev (deputy director of the museum in the small town of Novoselovo) has been in the area around 14 years and that was the first time that he had to deal with such a discovery.

Experts estimate that Mammoth died in the age of 50 as they observed by its backbone, skull, teeth and tusks.

The bad news is that Mr. Alexander’s small museum has neither the equipment nor the money to dig out the mammoth and nobody seems to care. It is remarkable that the experts are waiting for more discoveries as the climate changes and the ice melts, probably more extinct species will appear to the surface.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

“Silent Spring” A priceless treasure in our book collection

“Man's attitude toward nature is today critically important simply because we have now acquired a fateful power to alter and destroy nature. But man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself “Rachel Carson. These wise words are enough to realize the majesty of a woman who devoted her life fighting for humanity’s common good.

At a time where technological development dominated the world and nobody was cared about nature even if it was threatened, Rachel Carson by her book Silent Spring(was published in 1962) fired up the beginning for the environmental movements. She analyzed the damage that DDT insectide can produce to the whole nature, how it is transmitted and in what ways can affect our life.

In addition, the evidences that she present for DDT’S responsibility for human deaths, sensitize even the U.S president John F. Kennedy who ordered to examine the issues the book raised. After a closer supervision of the topic by the Government, DDT was eventually banned improving that Rachel was right.

Silent Spring emerged the need to regulate the industry in order to protect Nature. Environmentalism was born as this book awakening the human conscience, reminding us that by destroying environment is like we destroy our first home.

Why DDT was banned

This picture was published in an advertisement in 1947 in the Time Magazine, claiming DDT was good for people, homes and farms. It took 20 years for scientists to realize how dangerious it was.

DDT is a synthetic compound used as an insecticide and pesticide to fight human illnesses and agricultural pests,but it was banned in the seventies, because it was proven toxic and dangerous.
Despite being prohibited as a pesticide, its medical use continues, especially to control malaria.
Dicloro-Difenil-Tricloroetanol (DDT) is a compound soluble in oils and organic solvents, although insoluble in water.
Despite having been synthesized in 1874, its amazing insecticide properties (it was defined as the "miracle compound", given its effects) weren't discovered until 1939, coinciding with the beginning of World War II, where it was used successful to combat typhus, malaria and other illnesses transmitted by mosquitos and other insects, among both the troops and the civilian population.
After the war, the efficiency of DDT extended its use as a pesticide and its production increased dramatically. DDT was used in a generalized manner to protect crops from pests worldwide, until the 1970s when the public learned about the environmental effects of using this synthetic compound.
Some examples why DDT was banned and what changes it can do in the environment:
When birds like the peregrine falcon ate several different contaminated prey animals, they suddenly had huge concentrations of DDT in their body. Consequentially, the chemicals damaged their eggs so, that the shells were too thin to protect the chicks, and the eggs would easily break at the slightest touch.
The grass that the cows eat is sprayed with DDT and the cow eats it. Then the cow's milk is infected with DDT. The people drink the milk and get DDT in their system and as the DDT moves up the food chain, it gets increasingly concentrated and more dangerous.
The impact on birds and many other animals led to the banning of the pesticide. Now modern pesticides are water-soluble and the human body does not store them, people pee them out.


Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

The book that started the environmental movement as we know it

Many books, be they academic or not, have changed the world as we know it today. These books have had the great impact on masses, and will never be forgotten. Every sphere of life has at least one book that changed the way we think about it, and the environment is no exception. The environmental movement today is very strong, and challenges politicians and corporations to take care of the environment that we all share. But 50 years ago the situation was completely different. No one believed that humans can create something that could harm the "Mother Earth". And then everything changed when, in September of 1962, Silent Spring hit the shelves.
Rachel Carson, the author of Silent Spring, is one of the most important individuals of the movement even today. A scientist with a fine writing touch was the first one to warn the public about the dangers of chemical pesticides. In her book, she wrote extensively about the history and effect of the chemical pesticides that were widely used on American farms and lawns. It mostly focused on the toxic DDT, which she described in tiniest detail, from the the way it was made, over the way it was used, to the way it affected the environment. It raised the biggest citizen reaction over environmental issues as never before.
The book became an instant success, partly due to the serialization in the New Yorker, partly because of the show on CBS about Carson, but mostly because of its amazing content. No other author had attacked chemical industry, and farmers as directly and aggressively as Rachel Carson did. The biggest impact on the citizens in the U.S. made the fact that the synthetic pesticides cannot only endanger our environment, but that they also pose a great threat to our health, and the health of our off-springs. This knowledge directly, in combination with the social turmoil of the time, led to the first Earth Day in 1970, the most massive single  environmental protest in the U.S.
Having been diagnosed with cancer, Rachel Carson has shown to us that what we produce can greatly and very negatively affect the environment. Her book, her attitude, as well as the ideas she endorsed regarding the environment preservation have ignited the environmental movement as we know it today.


Insecticides and Pesticides - killing unwanted plants or killing us?

Nowadays many kinds of insecticides and pesticides are made in order to prevent a huge loss of agriculture production for example. Insecticides are used against the insects in agriculture, medicine and industry. On the other hand, the pesticides are chemicals used to protect the plants and destroy any pests.

Humans every day produce more synthetic chemicals that can enter into our bodies. Enzymes are the proteins that are doing all the functions needed in our body, but some of the insecticides have the ability to destroy our enzymes. By using the typical house cleaners and sprays we put ourselves in danger. Many deaths were caused by this chemicals. Even if everybody knows the danger of these chemicals, every year there are new ones made by humans that can harm and destroy not only human bodies, but also animals, birds and plants. By living in an environment full of chemicals and pollution, the human body absorbs them without realizing it, the new born baby receives the toxic chemicals from his mother. It is like a cycle which started many decades ago and impossible to stop taking into consideration the fact that those toxic chemicals are to be found everywhere.

DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) is one insecticide which toxic for human beings, birds, animals and plants. Birds are the one who are the most in danger. Many species died after entering into contact with this toxic.
Several other chemicals are used widely, thousands of deaths are registered per year and we still use them in our daily life.

The desire to kill the unwanted pests, insects in agriculture and industry made us to invent new chemicals which at the end of the line are killing us and the entire ecosystem.
Is it hard to come up with a new idea concerning this and to think about other solutions when everything seems to work. Indeed, we just take in consideration the fact that those chemicals kill the unwanted plants, but we do not pay attention to other harms produced by them.


Monday, 23 September 2013


Everyone knows how important animals are to this planet and the environmental ecosystem in general. They help to keep a balance in nature. Even as we humans like to adore their beauty, some people are also causing damage to the lives of these animals. Animal poaching as referred to is the illegal killing or taking away of wildlife. Animals like the Elephants and the Rhinoceros are among the animals affected by poaching.

According to the council for scientific and industrial Research in south Africa, the number of Rhino poaching rose to about 668 in South Africa this year. The number has ever since been increasing since 2011 in south Africa. The reason for this increase is because of the Ivory which the tusk of these animals possess. Surprisingly, the demand for the use of ivory is ever increasing in many countries in different parts of the world most notably Vietnam.

Although the issue of poaching has gained recognition in different parts of the world yet, stricter measure need to be put in place to protect the community of wildlife. Just last week, a very wealthy man was from Vietnam was arrested. According to the WWF he was said to have a driving force for Rhino Horns because he believed the horns symbolizes wealth and power. More actions needed to be put in place, in order to silence such believes like this one. In some parts of Africa today the Ivory from the tusk of these two animals; the Elephant and the Rhinoceros are worth more than gold itself.

However we have organizations tackling the issue of illegal poaching, but more actions needed to be done. A driving force against poaching of rhinoceros and Elephants in Africa Clive Stockil , was able to raise the amount of the 20 black African Rhinoceros which were endangered to 143 presently. The numbers are still growing, but this shows that there is a future against illegal poaching of these animals. Another organization against this is the Tusk Foundation spearheaded by the duke and duchess of Cambridge. Our animals do have a future and lets give hope to them by putting an end to illegal poaching!