Friday, 13 December 2013

Fossil fuel energy: the past

The US has subsidies for fossil fuels, subsidies for nuclear power, subsidies for wind and solar, but fossil fuel energys are still the most used and most common.
The energy goals of the US would improve their energy policy and it's long-term effects would 
play an important role the climate change issue.

The use of fossil fuel energys are bad for the environment and the natural resources are finite. Fossil fuels are oil, coal and natural gas.
Seeking the cheapest price for energy with the implication that environmental consequences shouldn't be part of the costs. Completing a transition to renewable energy as quickly as possible, while drastically reducing the burning of fossil fuels. The replacement of all fossil fuel energys with nuclear power and developing all sources of energy to make sure they have enough reasonable prices. 
However, the fossil fuel industry would say that the United States shouldn’t undergo this energy transition alone because it will be put at a competitive disadvantage on world markets. 
Perhaps the simplest way to manage the energy transition would be to make a high and ever rising tax on carbon. Such a tax would not favor one particular solution to carbon-free energy. But, it would move people to conserve and to switch from carbon fuels. It would also provide inventors and businesses with the incentive needed to work out the quickest, most economical path to a renewable energy economy.

The time has come to replace fossil fuel energys with something more environmetally freindly,
because it's already too late. One of the biggest invention of the last decade is hydrogen power.
Unfortunately it's not getting enough space and attention, because the oil rich countires, which are hardly dependant on their number one income, oil, don't let these invetions to develop.



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