Energy Independence was seemed in the past like a dreamy campaign as the
country's needs for energy sources are extremely high. This impression has been
changed since President Obama has been in office. Of course America still
has to import sources from other countries , but in fewer quantities. As I
don't want to make a monologue supporting Obama's energy policy without evidence
let me present you the most important facts that make his policy precious.
production has been increased by Obama's presidency with 5.6 million barrels to be produced per day in
contrast to 120,000 barrels by 2003 until 2009. By this fact oil imports has
been reduced with the statistics to refer that U.S has purchased by imports
less than half of all oil that consumed. Obama's government didn't stop here; by
steady efforts is trying to maintain U.S as the world leading producer of
Natural Gas. An agreement has been signed with Mexico's government on the
exploration and development of oil and Natural Gas along U.S and Mexico's
boundaries and 1.5 million acres are going to be more accessible for
exploration and production activities.
believe that by these facts the dream of Americas Energy Independence it seems
more feasible.
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