Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Time's up NYC

Time's up NYC is an NGO operating in New York City with the aim of raising awareness next to its citizens on how lo live a more sustainable, less toxic, life and by thus improve the quality of life and the environment of the city.

It is a grassroot movement that gathers concerned citizens and invites the overall community to take action through a number of initiatives. Currently they are organizing a Central Park Moonlight Ride (where people are invited to go for a group bike ride throughout the park during the night with guides who will introduce the participants to the environmental side of the park), the 4th Annual Doggie Pedal Parade (an effort to promote bycicles equipped to transport pets, adoption of homeless pets, among others), a campaign to save the community's gardens, among many other activities.

It appears to be an interesting and dynamic organization, and certainly one that enables the citizens to take small but important steps into living more sustainable lives.

For more information visit:



-Budapest said...

I think that we should have NGOs like this in every major city, it's more local than a large NGO which is all over the world.

-Budapest said...


João Salviano said...

I agree, we could try to start a McDaniel Time's up kind of thing :)

-Budapest said...

this NGO seems to be heading in the right direction. small scale, bottom-up individual changes rather than a bloated inefficient bureaucracy from top to bottom.
