Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Nigeria is poised towards an effective environmental policy

In 1987, toxic waste was unlawfully dumped in Delta State Nigeria through the local Koko seaport. The culprit was an Italian businessman, Gianfrance Raffaelli who had imported them under the false pretence that they were industrial materials.
Immediate public outcry motivated the military government to evacuate the toxic waste from the area. The Federal Environmental Protection Agency was decreed in 1988 to look into the managing and regulation of harmful waste, and it has later been repealed and replaced with a more effective and environmentally oriented National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency(NESREA) in 2007.
NESREA is poised towards conserving the environment through a process of sustainable development. Its aims are natural resources and soil conservation,water resources managment to control shortages, land degradation and pollution, and to protect Nigeria's wildlife from deforestation as a result of timber felling and accidental fires. while its institutional and legal framework exist, NESREA is faced with the problems of not having adequate baseline of information and data, and the necessary manpower to undertake its mandate.

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