Monday, 7 February 2011

Australia: Cyclone Yasi

Australia: Cyclone Yasi

Cyclone Yasi hit Australia last week , its wend hit Queensland coast with nearly 200 mph. Thought its state's well organization warning system made possible to save the life's of its habitants. Only one death was registered after the category 5 storm Cyclone left the country but for its misfortune many damage in properties and agriculture where made. Up to 4$billion damaged caused are to be paid by the green party which won a record number of voting in the summer election .After the floods huge tax the government promise no more further rising. After this second natural disaster the government will have a bit difficulties in keeping its promises.
On the fortunate side of the disaster gap is that this storm hit a rich country like Australia. In the past we have seen Cyclones even smaller than Yasi hitting poor countries and taking thousands of life's. One of them that can be mention is Cyclone Nargis- a huge storm but smaller than Yasi hit the poor country of Burma and left at list 138,00 people dead. Australia one of the most non religious countries used to be called the sin country but as it seem its is protected by god more than they believe.


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