Monday, 21 February 2011

An Inconvinient Truth: The Debate on Global warming

Al Gore has been at the forefront of the campaign against Global Warming since the release of An Inconvenient Truth in 2006. However he has come under much fire recently due to high amounts of snowfall in the U.S southern New York.He has been asked to explain why there has been higher snowfalls when the earth is supposed to be going through an alarming Global Warming period.
Skeptics of Global warming maintain that a day of much snow does not prove Global Warming so doesn't a hot day says Meteorologist Art Horn to the Daily Caller in response to Al Gore, who claims the heavy snowfalls can be attributed to changes in the climate. Skeptics also claimed that Al Gore based his credibility on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) and the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) both which predicted less winter snow in the past and therefore contradicts his claim that the Tundra in Southern New York can be attributed to Global Warming.
However Al Gore seem to point to the view that some Scientist in the past have claimed that Global Warming will lead to irregularities in snowfall. A book published by the National Academies Press titled Abrupt Climate Change:Inevitable Surprises 2002, in its Paleoclimatic Proxies table Pg 21 suggests that Snow accumulation rate will thicken in its annual layers. This leads to the problem of being able to know exactly what is being predicted, or how we are to read this predictions. What seems to be the clear and needed approach to the issues of climate change now is credible research which will collect data and understand threshold in ecological,geophysical measures without too much emphasis on market and environmental issues.

1 comment:

-Budapest said...

I found this article on written by Larry Bell where he exposes his point of view and questions many of the things that are being said about global warming and puts forward some explanations of why he challenges the findings and conclusions that are being promoted by Al Gore and others.

Just thought it would be interesting to have the other side of this issue in our discussions ;)