the recent earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit Japan recently is causing concern in Japan and abroad. the 6 nuclear reactors at Fukushima have been badly damaged, strangely enough the crises is not because the tsunami damaged the nuclear reactors, which it did. But because as the reactors went offline, the backup generators used to cool the reactors were disabled by the tsunami. resulting in overheating and fears of a meltdown.
even though radiation levels in neighbouring areas tested higher than the normal levels, Japanese officials are claiming that the situation is improving and that 2 out of 6 reactors are now stable.
this crisis seems to have caught the world's attention as developed countries including France, U.S.A and Russia including others are running tests on all of their nuclear facilities, especially the facilities that have been built in similar design and that use similar equipment like the Fukushima plant which was built in part by the American company; GE, which has also served in the construction of dozens of nuclear reactors in America.
with this crises at hand, it is time think hard about nuclear power and how the reactors can be built to with stand such catastrophes in the future.
This is a very pitiable and alarming incident indeed, but i also think adequate attention had not been given to how to contain the nuclear plant in the event of an accident and now there is radiation being found in vegetables around the neighboring towns and Tokyo. We hope that the authorities are being truthful about the health risks, and Nuclear specialist around the world too should give good opinion of the situation as everybody seems to be cautious, apparently due to the fact of the magnitude of lives lost and not wanting to start a panic. Well i guess its better safe than sorry.
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