Sunday, 6 March 2011

Can small nuclear reactors really be the green way forward?

in a world where nuclear power is a very controversial issue, it seems that having nuclear powered cars, planes and even freezers might be the right way forward.
Hyperion Power Generation Inc. has developed a small and portable nuclear reactor that can fit on the back of a pick up truck, this might be a nightmare scenario for some who envision terrorists easily stealing those reactors and using them to spread death and destruction, but not according to John Deal, the CEO of Hyperion Power, who claims that these reactors would be smarter, more environmentally friendly and against conventional thinking, that these reactors would be used in the third world more than the first.
seeing as how that most of the third world don't have the infrastructure to handle to immense output of a regular nuclear reactor, these smaller reactors would be very convenient for micro-grid solutions.
the company is still gathering funds and doesn't have the permission to begin development on the 100 million dollar reactors.
as rough as the debate over these nuclear reactors will probably get in the future, the portable reactors should not be dismissed right off the bat, they might be the way forward on supplying abundant energy to power starved countries without the release of the dangerous pollutants released into the air by fossil fuels.

Time Magazine, February 28th, 2011, page 43; "Nuclear Reactors, by Eben Harrell.

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