It has taken four decades to put in place the infrastructure to ensure that pollution is controlled through limitations on corporate, municipal and individual conduct. Dismantle that infrastructure today, and a new one would have to be created tomorrow at great expense and at great sacrifice to America’s public health and environment.
Some House Republicans are motivated by the conviction that the scientific findings linking greenhouse gas emissions to global warming are wrong, or, more to point, wrong and deliberately so, and thus a conspiracy against industry and the American Way of Life. Others are simply caught up in a rather mindless wave of deregulation. As Ruckleshaus and Whitman note, should we just take them back to 1970? To note: the two both served under Republican presidents.
it seems unbelievable to me that the republican party actually wants to de-regulate environmental policy.
how do they think it is better to de-regulate and i wonder if they even believe the arguments that they themselves use.
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