Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Red Sludge Disaster...6 months later

October 4th, 2010, Devecser, Kolontar, Somlovasarhely. This date and these places mark a great disaster for all Hungarians: the flood of toxic red sludge from the Hungarian Aluminium Production and Commerce Company's plant. Upon reaching these three places, it devastated everything that stood in its way, including people (10 people died, among them one baby). When the dam burst, 600-700 thousand m3 of this red sludge was set free to burn the earth, houses and animals, like acid.
Since then, most people who were evacuated, resettled in their homes and started to rebuild their lives (they all had to wear masks in order to prevent the inhaling of toxic dust). 41 houses have been demolished, and a new set of houses have been built. The Hungarian HACCP is monitoring the amount of toxins in the water each day. However, the dam keeping the toxic sludge in was not fortified (even after such a disaster) , leaving a chance of leakage that might even lead to another burst.
Although many say that this was an industrial tragedy, and that nobody could have seen this could happen and nobody is responsible. I strongly disagree, because if the dam's condition was monitored, the tragedy could have been predicted and the lives of so many people would not have been ruined. There is a responsible and he/she must be found and brought to justice.


ZsA said...

It is a very sensitive issue, especially for me, if I consider my point of view! I try to be polite. We have already seen same “accidents” in the past around the world, as well as in America. Facts: Huge damages, no serious consequences, no accountable. I do not really know how is it going outside my country, but I believe that I can see what is going on here! Shortly: Communism after privatization, enough to be in good time in the right place for the best deal of your life… Most of the new owners were coming with totally different qualifications, thus they were not “ready” to organize their new businesses. Moreover the only thing is important for this type of men is the profit. But the real problem is not that they snitched enormous businesses for broken money but they are not following the recent regulations. Soon they pay down the controllers than to pay much more money for the safety functioning. And when the disaster had happened they still pay down the adequate people, if it is necessary. But this is just one opinion…

ZsA said...

It is a very sensitive issue, especially for me, if I consider my point of view! I try to be polite. We have already seen same “accidents” in the past around the world, as well as in America. Facts: Huge damages, no serious consequences, no accountable. I do not really know how is it going outside my country, but I believe that I can see what is going on here! Shortly: Communism after privatization, enough to be in good time in the right place for the best deal of your life… Most of the new owners were coming with totally different qualifications, thus they were not “ready” to organize their new businesses. Moreover the only thing is important for this type of men is the profit. But the real problem is not that they snitched enormous businesses for broken money but they are not following the recent regulations. Soon they pay down the controllers than to pay much more money for the safety functioning. And when the disaster had happened they still pay down the adequate people, if it is necessary. But this is just one opinion…

ZsA said...

It is a very sensitive issue, especially for me, if I consider my point of view! I try to be polite. We have already seen same “accidents” in the past around the world, as well as in America. Facts: Huge damages, no serious consequences, no accountable. I do not really know how is it going outside my country, but I believe that I can see what is going on here! Shortly: Communism after privatization, enough to be in good time in the right place for the best deal of your life… Most of the new owners were coming with totally different qualifications, thus they were not “ready” to organize their new businesses. Moreover the only thing is important for this type of men is the profit. But the real problem is not that they snitched enormous businesses for broken money but they are not following the recent regulations. Soon they pay down the controllers than to pay much more money for the safety functioning. And when the disaster had happened they still pay down the adequate people, if it is necessary. But this is just one opinion…