Monday, 11 April 2011

Green IT

Computers appear so innocent and clean, sitting there on the table, doing nothing but buzzing quietly, without any weird emissions. However, computers, like almost everything else electronic, needs power, and currently most of our power comes from natural gas, crude oil and coal, also known as fossil fuels. For years, no one ever considered Computers and IT as a carbon source, but it is a fast growing industry, representing about 2% of global emissions now, a number that could possibly double within the next decade.

Be it more energy-efficient server bases and laptops, or software that automatically powers down our desktops when they’re not being used, computer parts made from other recyclable pieces, or even computer factories choosing a more environmental friendly way of producing these products. There are many different ways to restrain the IT sector’s energy use, without losing performance.
Nowadays computers have the option to turn off the hard-drive or screen, after a certain set idling time, but there are also some energy-saving software in the market now, like Granola or Gabi Software, for example, which runs in the background of your operating system, making sure you’re not wasting volts unnecessarily.
Kind of like the energy-saving lamps, these software’s do not only decrease the energy usage, but also improves the performance of your daily tasks on your computer.



-Budapest said...

i never really thought about it before. 2 % is pretty high considering that it comes only from computers and electronics.
i always assumed that computers dont use that much energy and as a result i usually leave my computer on standby/sleep mode instead of shutting down.
guess im gonna have to rethink leaving the computer on standby the next time i leave my apartment.

-Budapest said...

K.K., what have you been doing? Trying to ruin the planet?


ZsA said...

I am reading gladly this kind of news. 2% is not that much, but the 4%, and one more decades later the 8% and so on later will a major factor of the global emission. I always, (not really, just from 2-3 years ago), believed that we have to change ourselves instead of to try to change the world. We cannot change the world alone, but if I and let’s say you change our attitudes, and everyone is thinking in this way, the world become a better place. We have to start in little, this is the only possible way.