Under the present Oboma administration according to the white house official website, the United States of America have been gradually moving to a more self substaining energy production future. The United States under the present Obama administration according to them, domestic oil production has been increasing eevery year, and in 2011 the United States of America crude oil production reached its highest peak level since 2003, increasing oil production by an estimated 120,000 barrels per day over 2010 levels to 5.6 million barrells per day. In adition to this the U.S natural gass production also grew by more than 7 percent in 2011 yeilding the largest ever volumetric increase in history and easily beating the previous record set in 1973. This also brought about a reduction in the imports of foreign oil to the country from 11 million barrels of oil been imported daily to 8.4 million barrels per day which is a 2.6million barrels difference which speakes allot about the increase in her level of independence.
Many reforms have been put forward by the Obama administration to ensure that oils on public lands and offshore are utilized gracefully, and also that tax payers receive fair market value for both onshore and offshore resources, so therefore have provisions for additional impetus to invest in leases that are likely to be developed. The Obama administration as alsoraised the bar of safety by setting reforms in the offshore oil and gas sectore which covers matters from normal safety issues to clean up programmes which can be said to have been influenced by the BP oil spil. The Obama administration not only made reform to help in managing the production sectors, reforms were also made to benefit every one down to the average everyday consumer. Although i would not like to speculate much due to lack of other external sourxce to back uop my point beyond the white house website.
For more reading on a more recently updated source, visit the white house official website with link below
Join McDaniel Budapest students from all over the world as they reflect on the Earth and mankind's actions to damage, change, and preserve it.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Increasing American Energy Independence
Energy Independence was seemed in the past like a dreamy campaign as the
country's needs for energy sources are extremely high. This impression has been
changed since President Obama has been in office. Of course America still
has to import sources from other countries , but in fewer quantities. As I
don't want to make a monologue supporting Obama's energy policy without evidence
let me present you the most important facts that make his policy precious.
production has been increased by Obama's presidency with 5.6 million barrels to be produced per day in
contrast to 120,000 barrels by 2003 until 2009. By this fact oil imports has
been reduced with the statistics to refer that U.S has purchased by imports
less than half of all oil that consumed. Obama's government didn't stop here; by
steady efforts is trying to maintain U.S as the world leading producer of
Natural Gas. An agreement has been signed with Mexico's government on the
exploration and development of oil and Natural Gas along U.S and Mexico's
boundaries and 1.5 million acres are going to be more accessible for
exploration and production activities.
believe that by these facts the dream of Americas Energy Independence it seems
more feasible.
White House Energy Policy
In the most recent White House Energy Report, there was a lot of weight put on the increase of the America's energy independence. Big part of this increase is the fact that U.S. is becoming the world leader in the natural gas production. New techniques and technology is being used to increase this gas production. White House stated in this report that the increase in natural gas production has been 7%, the highest year-to-year increase in history. One of the causes for this is the $45 million in interagency R&D budget. Large amount of this money goes to development of "fracking" techniques, a way of extracting shale gas from the soil. One thing that is not mentioned in the report, is that "fracking" is one of the techniques with the worst effects on environment.
The problems with "fracking" are many. First of all, amazing quantities of water are needed for the process: 1-8 million gallons per one "fracking" job. In addition to this, around 600 chemicals are being mixed with this water, many of which are know toxins and carcinogens. This mixture is then put in the soil to break the shale and release the gas. This process contaminates underground water and soil, and has serious health effects on the people living around the shale gas wells. In overall, there is lot about energy production increase in the report, but very little about the environmental degradation in the process.
For all who are interested to learn more about "fracking" and its dangers, watch the well know documentary Gasland, in addition to going to the link about "fracking" in this blog.
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Greening Obama
The Obama
Administration intensively engaged by the question of how to reduce
energy independence and how to reduce air pollution. According to
the reading, numbers are very convincing. Nevertheless the main point
is that the Obama Administration is at least concerned with the
problem. Let's see what happens on the other political side and those
facts that make Obama's energy policy more valuable.
PPP’s latest
national poll finds that, 58% of Republican voters agree that global
warming is a hoax and a liberal conspiracy theory. If that is not
enough, Mitt Romney, during his campaign often pointed out that we
can not know what really causes the global warming. He also declared
that it is not the right solution to spend thousands of billions of
dollars trying reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
important aspect why the Administration has to reduce energy
independence is America's unstable relation with the Arab countries.
Depending on those countries could be very dangerous.
the light of these facts Obama's goal of putting one million electric
vehicles on the road by 2015, is welcomed.
America's Energy Policy.
The US energy policy has made a significant improvement
over the years. From the production and consumption of king Coal, to oil,
natural gas and other renewable energy in the environment the US energy is
still continuing to develop. According to the recent report from the US
concerning her energy policy, there have been a significant rise and
development most especially in the sector of oil and natural gas. Of course the
oil and gas sector plays a major role not only in the US but in other countries
in general. According to the white house presentation on the energy policy, the
US production of oil and gas has been rising under president Obama's regime.
Despite the fact that this is a good report, the US still have to work on
reducing its importation of foreign oil. According to the EIA, the US imported
about 10.6 million barrels of petroleum per day in 2012 from about 80
countries. For America to have an
independent energy policy, they have to make out their own energy source so as
to have a secure future in energy policy. Furthermore, according to the white
house presentation on energy policy, it seems America depends solely on natural
gas and oil. There are other sources of energy like solar energy wind energy
which are quite cheap and create a greener environment. In essence, more should
be done to improve other energy sector in America. In order for these energy
sector like hydro-electricity solar, and wind energy to become competent,
innovations have to be created for them to compete in the market. These
hydroelectric energy, wind, solar energy etc. Are all clean energies that if
invested into, can prove significant for the US in the future and even globally
sufficient for other countries in the world.
The American energy
policy is heading on the right track. For example the report from the white
house presentaion also shows that the Obama administration is putting strong
emphasis on the first ever fuel economy standards for heavy trucks.
Nevertheless, certain energy sectors like the examples I gave above should be
evaluated and funded. For more on the American energy policy improvements,
click on the links below.
Increasing America's Energy Independence
America is a big country which needs a lot of energy sources. Although it has its own sources, like for example coal, America still has to import from other countries.
This article shows how much oil production in America has increased under Obama's administration, also natural gas production. In other words, according to this report, America became more independent in this way since Obama was elected president.
Even if the USA imports petroleum and other gases, its imports have been falling during the last seven years and its production of natural gases has increased.
I find this article to be an example of propaganda for glorifying in a way President Obama. In almost every paragraph it says that he succeeded in all his projects to gain independence, that his projects and reforms for environmental issues were all a success. It might be true, because there is evidence which shows the changes during the last years, but in a way it is a president's obligation to work for the country he rules. In my opinion if there would've been other president now in office, he would've done also something in relation with this. All country leaders don't want their countries to be dependent on others.
This article shows how much oil production in America has increased under Obama's administration, also natural gas production. In other words, according to this report, America became more independent in this way since Obama was elected president.
Even if the USA imports petroleum and other gases, its imports have been falling during the last seven years and its production of natural gases has increased.
I find this article to be an example of propaganda for glorifying in a way President Obama. In almost every paragraph it says that he succeeded in all his projects to gain independence, that his projects and reforms for environmental issues were all a success. It might be true, because there is evidence which shows the changes during the last years, but in a way it is a president's obligation to work for the country he rules. In my opinion if there would've been other president now in office, he would've done also something in relation with this. All country leaders don't want their countries to be dependent on others.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Facing the facts
What is environmental equity? Equal protection from environmental hazards for individuals, groups, or communities regardless of race, ethnicity, or economic status. This applies to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.
A disproportionate share of negative environmental impacts of pollution or environmental hazard due to a lack of political or economic strength levels.
"Environmental racism is a process by which communities of color are intentially and systematically targeted for ecological hazardous industrial facilities, toxic waste sites and all kinds of facilities, that cause harm to the health to it’s local residents as well as the sorrounding environment. This process is also called selective vicitmization."[1]
A disproportionate share of negative environmental impacts of pollution or environmental hazard due to a lack of political or economic strength levels.
"Environmental racism is a process by which communities of color are intentially and systematically targeted for ecological hazardous industrial facilities, toxic waste sites and all kinds of facilities, that cause harm to the health to it’s local residents as well as the sorrounding environment. This process is also called selective vicitmization."[1]
"Environmental decision making often mirrors the power arrangements of the dominant society and it’s institutions. It disadvantages people of colour while providing advantages or privileges for corporations and individuals in the upper echelons of society."[2]
[1] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7DUv7AGAco (Professor Danny Faber from the Northeastern Environmental Justice Research Collaborative in Boston defines environmental racism)
[2] http://www.unrisd.org/unrisd/website/document.nsf/0/543B2B250E64745280256B6D005788F7?OpenDocument
(Author(s): Robert Bullard Programme Area: Identities, Conflict and Cohesion Project Title: Racism and Public Policy)
Monday, 14 October 2013
Los Angels of 'environmental racism'
As the Los Angeles City Council approved, the rail company BNSF a 500 million project to expend the railyard expansion at the port of Los angeles. Now environmentalist when to court claiming that this act was environmental racism. Alongside The Natural Resource Defence Council other environmental groups say this project targets LA Minority.On the other hand BNSF argues that their project makes environmental steps as if their project is completed their will be no need for the trucks to travel 24miles on the 710 freeway to get the cargo to the rail lines.
So which side has more truths?
to read the full article please go to: http://dailycaller.com/2013/06/11/environmentalists-accuse-los-angeles-of-environmental-racism/
Working Women’s Bodies Besieged by Environmental Injustice


More readings on PAH and effects can be found on the links below:
The Connection Between Water Pollution and Low Birth Weights
Princeton University recently published a study which established a link between water contamination and low birth weights. Many studies have found links between air pollution and premature birth, but this was the first study to look at water pollution. Premature birth can lead to lifelong problems, including cognitive issues.
This study looked at 488 water districts in New Jersey, and found that over a quarter of them had contamination violations that affected over 30,000 people.
The study found that expectant mothers who were consuming this contaminated water were generally younger, unmarried, less educated, and most often African-American or Hispanic. They also found that they were not very likely to move in response to contamination, meaning that they often do not have the financial resources to move to an area with better water.
Although residents are required to be notified if their water is found to be contaminated, many residents who rent their property do not receive these notices due to routing issues.
However, even if these residents were adequately notified, it does not help if they cannot afford to move elsewhere or buy bottled water. These women who are already struggling now have new issues to deal with if their child is born with physical and/or cognitive impairments. The government needs to find a long-term solution to this problem rather than leaving these people in a situation that they didn't ask for and they cannot control.
Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/10/131008122906.htm
This study looked at 488 water districts in New Jersey, and found that over a quarter of them had contamination violations that affected over 30,000 people.
The study found that expectant mothers who were consuming this contaminated water were generally younger, unmarried, less educated, and most often African-American or Hispanic. They also found that they were not very likely to move in response to contamination, meaning that they often do not have the financial resources to move to an area with better water.
Although residents are required to be notified if their water is found to be contaminated, many residents who rent their property do not receive these notices due to routing issues.
However, even if these residents were adequately notified, it does not help if they cannot afford to move elsewhere or buy bottled water. These women who are already struggling now have new issues to deal with if their child is born with physical and/or cognitive impairments. The government needs to find a long-term solution to this problem rather than leaving these people in a situation that they didn't ask for and they cannot control.
Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/10/131008122906.htm
Environmental injustice in California
In 1999 Angelita C. a mother of a 10th
year old girl applied to the U.S Environmental Protection Agency about
pesticide pollution that threatened California and especially a lot of public schools. The
notable thing of this case was that pesticide
records and demographics were showing Latinos exposed to disproportionately
high levels.
After the EPA
launched an investigation of the complaint, there was a decade of silence.
But in 2011 EPA in cooperation with DPR(Department of Pesticide Regulation ) announced an agreement to protect
civil rights.
DPR expanded air monitoring for pesticides in several locations
and disagreed with the argument about pesticide pollution. They continue their
efforts but without taking the situation seriously as their actions didn’t fix
the ongoing problems.
As EPA and DPR was
seemed weak to recognize and solve the
problem of pesticides pollution near school and a lot of children were in
danger ,parents acted immediately assuming attorneys for this case. After an
attorneys search at 21 public schools within
1.5 miles of the state’s most heavily fumigated areas, eighty-two percent of
their students were non-white and this means that pesticides concentrations near
schools violate the Civil Rights Act.
Then were no excuses
that EPA would not add this case high in its agenda. The problem was it took
the EPA 12 years to take seriously this case and realize that it was about
environmental injustice.
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Environmental Injustice in North Richmond
There is a little community in California, 25 miles north of San
Francisco. This little community’s name is North
Richmond. We must know that this is the poorest area in Contra Costa
County. Approximately 3700 people try to live their lives there,
which is not always easy. In this community, a lot of people make
their living from crime. Nevertheless, another problem makes the
honorable people's life more difficult. The area is surrounded by oil
refineries and chemical companies. These oil refineries are one of
the biggest in the United States, owned by the Chevron Corporation.
Despite the city is just a few meters away from the sea, people can
not breath the sea's fresh and salty smell, instead of it they have
to accept the stinking smell of smoke.
refineries poison the food, even the imported fruits and meat. People
often complain because of that problem. As one of the city visitor
said “No grocery store to get fresh fruits and vegetables and meat.
The only things you can buy are drink and dope. There's nothing but
old nasty rotten food on the shelves and plenty of beer, wine and
whiskey.” The fishing is also impossible because the sea is still
studies showed that the people of North Richmond suffering from more
medical problems compared to other areas in Contra Costa County.
“Richmond’s estimated cancer risk is higher than nearby cities “
according to University of California environmental report, 2007.
toxins are everywhere, included the houses. Just imagine that your
child should
grow up in a place like this.
why is this an environmental racism case? Because 97% of the
population belongs to some minorities. The majority of them are
Afro-Americans and Latinos. The Blacks migrated to this area during
and little after the Word War II. It was their hope for a better
Environmental Injustice in Kenansville.
Residents of Kenansville North Carolina experience some of the worst environmental hazards in the United States of America. This region host different concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) due to the rise in the production of Hogs in this region in the late 20th century. Furthermore most of the populations around the region are small communities of African Americans and also minority communities who live on low income payment.
The waste product from the animals around Kenansville then pollutes the air, and contaminates the food and body systems of the residents in Kenansville. As a result of the growing industries of CAFO along the region of minority groups and African Americans, concerns have been raised about the issue of environmental injustice in this region. Some residents living in this region have to wear facial mask to prevent them from breathing the dust particles emitting from the CAFO industries.
According to Bob Edwards, the professor of sociology in East Carolina University, “North Carolina counties with larger minority population were home to greater concentrations of hog waste, a function of hog population density, compared with more urbanized counties with a higher percentage of white residents”.
The effects of these odors, fumes, and toxics have adverse effects on the residents around Kenansville. Some families cannot stay outside and other cannot dry clothes because most of their properties would get contaminated. Despite the laws passed in 2007 to industries around Kenansville, some industries were parochial in cleaning up their waste.
I think this is another issue of environmental injustice that needs to be tackled in our society today. However it’s not only applied to America alone but other parts of the world in general. For more about the Environmental Injustice in Kenansville, North Carolina, please follow the link below;
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Environmental injustice in Central and Eastern Europe
Injustice and inequality are one of the most problematic topics that a state can have. There are many types of inequalities, racial inequality being one of them. There is, in most of the cases, a correlation between inequality and injustice. Racism and injustice are present even when it comes to environmental policy.
Environmental racism is defined as a racial discrimination in environmental policy making. National minorities are often subjects of environmental injustice.
In the Unites States for example, 71% of African Americans and 50% of Latino Americans live in areas with the most polluted air compared to the 34% of white communities; and the problem is not stopping here. But this topic is not that much taken in consideration in the European continent. Here, the lack of environmental justice and environmental racism is mostly to be found in Central part of Europe and the Eastern part. Similar to the United States, the hazardous sites and facilities are located and concentrated in places where working-class communities live and other communities of color. In Europe these communities are communities of ethnic minorities, in fact the Roma people. For example, in Hungary, in Heves, 1500 people belonging to Romany community, were exposed to high doses of lead as a consequence of illegal disassembly of car batteries. A 15 months old girl died.
Another example can be the Danube Dam project between Hungary and Slovakia. Ethnic Hungarians live on both sides of the river, in Slovakia and Hungary, and are exposed to environmental risks.
In Slovakia, Roma people are the poorest of the poor. They live in poverty and areas with almost 100% of unemployment. Besides this, they live in areas with a high exposure of chemicals and hazardous waste, they do not have access to potable water; and this not just the case of Slovakia, but also of Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Austria, Serbia and some other of Central and Eastern European countries. Environmental injustice and social exclusion of Roma communities has roots in the historical patterns of ethnic exclusion after the collapse of state socialism.
Environmental racism is defined as a racial discrimination in environmental policy making. National minorities are often subjects of environmental injustice.
In the Unites States for example, 71% of African Americans and 50% of Latino Americans live in areas with the most polluted air compared to the 34% of white communities; and the problem is not stopping here. But this topic is not that much taken in consideration in the European continent. Here, the lack of environmental justice and environmental racism is mostly to be found in Central part of Europe and the Eastern part. Similar to the United States, the hazardous sites and facilities are located and concentrated in places where working-class communities live and other communities of color. In Europe these communities are communities of ethnic minorities, in fact the Roma people. For example, in Hungary, in Heves, 1500 people belonging to Romany community, were exposed to high doses of lead as a consequence of illegal disassembly of car batteries. A 15 months old girl died.
Another example can be the Danube Dam project between Hungary and Slovakia. Ethnic Hungarians live on both sides of the river, in Slovakia and Hungary, and are exposed to environmental risks.
In Slovakia, Roma people are the poorest of the poor. They live in poverty and areas with almost 100% of unemployment. Besides this, they live in areas with a high exposure of chemicals and hazardous waste, they do not have access to potable water; and this not just the case of Slovakia, but also of Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Austria, Serbia and some other of Central and Eastern European countries. Environmental injustice and social exclusion of Roma communities has roots in the historical patterns of ethnic exclusion after the collapse of state socialism.
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