Friday, 12 February 2010


Started in 1971 in Canada as a peaceful, green non-governmental organization, Greenpeace has had a great influence in green politics and has been very active in its work to protect the environment.

The are especially known for their active work to stop whaling, where they steer their boat in between the whale hunter's ship and the whale. Often the whale hunters spray water on the Greenpeace volunteers. Many argue, however, that this work by Greenpeace is rather aggressive.

The huge size of Greenpeace today is argued by many to be capitalistic and Greenpeace is often said to have navigated off its original path. On the other hand, the size of Greenpeace and their high resources make it easy for them to pressure governments and companies all over the world, however, their local presence and work seems to be lacking.

Whether Greenpeace is for you or not, the start of this NGO has changed the face of green movements and has opened the path for many other NGOs.

Read more about Greenpeace and their work on or research more on them to hear the other side.


Wednesday, 10 February 2010

"Conservation is Conservative"

Republicans for Envirenmental Protection is an NGO which was formed in 1995 by three women, namely: Martha Marks, Kim O'Keefe-Wilkins and Aurie Kryzuda. The NGO formally operates in 10 US states (California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington) and its current headquarters is in New Mexico. Its main purpose is to influence Republican politicians to take stronger steps in order to protect natural resources as well as human and environmental health.

Historically, the NGO advocates a variety of environmental issues, but lately it focuses especially on alternative energy and climate change.

Besides lobbying on both local, state and national level, the REP is also very vocal on endorsing candidates in the primaries who have a stronger background on environmental protection.

I am personally very fond of this NGO, since many people fall into the generalization that only liberals care about the envirenment.

For more information please visit :


Monday, 1 February 2010

Something New Under the Sun in the 21st Century?

J.R. McNeill proposes that the unprecedented environmental changes of the 20th century came principally from unprecedented population and economic growth: many more people, with new technologies, found that they could alter the Earth they live on in a way their ancestors never did. According to McNeill, political and social adjustments made to adapt to this growth often exacerbated environmental destruction, or resulted in it being worse in some regions, and to certain classes of people, than to others.

A question for readers to consider: will environmental change in the 21st be any different than in the 20th century? Will there be different reasons, unknown to the 20th century, for it?